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Identification, Authentication, Authorization and how biometrics is related to it

Identification, Authentication, Authorization and how biometrics is related to it.png

All these processes play an important role in the service's ability to protect personal data from fraud, maintain compliance with KYC / AML (KYC (know your customer) - necessary conditions for verifying the customer's identity; AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and other rules related to identification. Understanding how these technologies work can improve the customer experience.


There are processes in place that can protect your data and money from unauthorized parties:

  • Identification: While going through the process, the customer states that he or she really is someone by providing his or her identifier. This can be a username, mailing address, document number, phone number, etc.
  • Verification: The service confirms that the user really is the person requested by checking their credentials. At that point, the service compares the ID to one of the user's biometric parameters.
  • Authentication: The client accesses the platform and the system compares this identity to the available biometric data.
  • Authorization: The service grants rights to perform certain actions in the application, on the website.


Users encounter these processes on a daily basis, i.e., they "identify" themselves by entering their name, email address or phone number on the site or in the app. For example, when buying new appliances online, entering a bank card number and address for delivery of the goods.


Another example is mobile banking. In order to log into a mobile banking application, the system will ask you to enter your phone number as an identifier and will find a record of a user with that number in the database. If the operation is successful, the identification process will end.


The next stage is the authentication process, in which the client needs to prove that he/she is indeed the person registered under this phone number. The system may request the following types of authentication data for confirmation:

  • The user's biometric data: a fingerprint, facial or retinal scanner;
  • A special device called a token;
  • Data that only the user knows. For example, a password, a graphic key, a secret word or a pin code.


If the authentication data entered matches what was entered during registration, then the authentication process is complete. After that, authorization of the user takes place.


Secure services are different in that authorization always follows authentication. Despite similar names - these are all separate login steps. Before granting access to the requested resources, the system must verify that all the data is correct. While this process used to be done manually, more and more complex authentication methods are now being used.


What is multi-factor authentication?

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a verification method that requires two or more authentication factors from the user.  The main advantage of the method is to increase the security of your customers' data.


One-time passwords generated and sent to a customer's phone number or email are one of the most common. You must have encountered this method in your Instagram account.

Leaked phone numbers or emails can no longer guarantee the same degree of data security as before. The safest method of verification now is biometrics. For example, fraudsters can steal your phone or hack your email, but they cannot quickly and efficiently copy your face, fingerprint or voice timbre.


It is predicted that in the next couple of years, 50% of the market will shift its focus from data verification to biometric authentication.


The history of modern biometrics began in 1981 with the creation of a database with the fingerprints of criminals. This practice has found application all over the world. Now biometric authentication is used in all areas of life, and biometric measurements have evolved from fingerprints to various body parts such as finger veins, palm veins, iris scans, voice recognition, face recognition, brain waves, heart signals, DNA identification and behavioral biometrics.


While biometrics used to be used solely to identify a criminal, it has now evolved to the level of personal security. Biometrics helps change lives by automating manual labor and providing an extra layer of security. Already familiar in appearance, the technology has begun to impact not only individual lives, but entire communities and even species in the environment.


Areas of application of biometric technology


Biometrics makes life easier by securing transactions on the Internet. Biometric authentication and identification are changing the way we do and see things. Smart mobile devices add an extra layer of security through fingerprint scanners, voice or facial recognition. Google Data Center uses multimodal biometric verification to track security. Biometric management systems help support visitors in any environment and keep track of activities on their premises. In addition, passwords and pin codes are weak in terms of security and most people have difficulty remembering them.


People easily forget pin codes or passwords. The risk of a user choosing not to take the time to do any manual authentication where you have to fill in your details is extremely high.  Think of how many times you've put off the registration and purchase process without a bank card or document in hand. We can look at the process of going through the document check-in counters. Japan has used facial recognition gates at one airport that automatically scan visitors and match them with available images. At the upcoming Olympics in Japan, the technology will be used for staff, media and athletes, the Japan Times reports. Biometric technology saves time, creates less hassle, reduces personnel costs and supports maximum efficiency.


In Kazakhstan, at the initiative of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a project was launched by KISC, a service of remote biometric identification. The new system is available to financial institutions of the country: banks, insurance companies, professional securities market participants, payment and microfinance organizations. Customers can receive financial services without visiting an office or branch using facial recognition technology 


Advertising and psychological research

Advertising is critical and to achieve results advertisers try to find solutions to measure effectiveness. A variety of information-gathering techniques, such as brainwave analysis, eye movement and heartbeat, have been used to study psychological behavior while viewing ads. The first company to introduce biometric advertising into everyday life was the giant Tesco. They used facial recognition technology to personalize ads to customers waiting in line at gas stations.



Behaviometrics is the analysis of behavior unique to each individual. This technology analyzes a person's individual action and relates it to the owner's behavior. It helps identify people by their writing, speaking or playing computer games.  Behavioral biometrics is the next stage in the development of biometrics, which will soon be available to the masses.


To sum up 

Biometrics is a technology that adapts to human life at any stage. It is a universal solution to security problems. With biometric technology, we are changing the world and thus changing ourselves.


We at Verigram, would be happy to tell you more about how we are implementing these technologies in business.

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